














Party A (Supplier):______________

Party B (purchaser):______________

Through friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the purchase of xx mobile phone from Party A:

1、 Party A provides product training, sales scheme and after-sales service to Party B. after Party B purchases Party A's products, it is strictly prohibited to collude with Party A without the permission of Party A.

2、 Party B shall pay RMB on the day when both parties confirm to sign the contract______ Yuan only (in words: ____). If after-sales service and repair are required in the future, the freight shall be borne by the shipper.

3、 Rights and obligations of both parties

1. Grant the right to operate - Party A only allows Party B to operate a single store (if it is necessary to authorize patent chain franchise, please note the additional terms on the next page and sign them together). Party B operates independently without Party A's interference and participation.

2. Training - Party A shall train Party B's personnel for 2 days from the date when Party B pays the deposit.

3. Technical support and equipment maintenance

4. For the products provided by Party A, Party B shall apply for maintenance (replacement) and mail the products to be repaired (replaced) to Party A. Party A shall send the maintenance (replacement) equipment to Party B within three working days after receiving it.

5. Confidentiality agreement

In order to protect the interests of Party A and Party B and the franchisee, Party B and its personnel shall

Except for the needs of normal business operation, Party B shall not disclose any part of Party A to others, other companies or groups. Party B shall recognize that the confidentiality of any part of the business system belongs to Party A's patent.

4、 Party A shall provide Party B with price guarantee within three months.

5、 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. This contract shall come into force from the date of signature by both parties.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

______ Year____ Month____ day


Party A (Supplier):______________

Party B (purchaser):______________

In order to conscientiously implement the laws and regulations such as the code for the quality management of pharmaceutical trading, clarify the responsibilities of both parties for the purchase and sale of drugs, and ensure the stability, safety and effectiveness of drug quality, Party A and Party B have concluded the following agreement through consultation:

1、 Party A is a legal pharmaceutical wholesale enterprise, and shall provide Party B with a copy of the valid certificate stamped with the enterprise seal.

2、 The drugs provided by Party A to Party B shall be produced with the approval of the State Drug Administration Department, meet the legal quality standards, pass the inspection, and the packaging and color shall meet the relevant national regulations and transportation requirements; The imported drugs shall be attached with a copy of the imported drug registration certificate and the imported drug inspection report stamped with the seal of the quality control department.

3、 Party B shall provide Party A with copies of valid legal qualification certificates of drug trading enterprises or medical practice institutions with seals.

4、 Party B shall order drugs from Party A regularly or irregularly according to business or medical needs. Party B's order shall be notified to Party A by telephone, fax or letter. After receiving the notice, Party A shall try its best to meet the supply, issue invoices and deliver goods to ensure transportation.

5、 Party B shall check and accept the drugs provided by Party A in time. If there are quality problems, Party B shall notify Party A within one week. The drugs that pass the acceptance shall be paid on the date of arrival of the goods (unless otherwise agreed by both parties).

6、 If Party B needs to return goods, it must be confirmed and agreed by Party A.

7、 Both parties shall make financial reconciliation once a year. During the term of the agreement, Party A and Party B shall effectively perform the terms of the agreement. Party A shall have a special person to serve Party B, and Party B shall entrust a special person to contact Party A to be responsible for the confirmation and payment of accounts payable. If the original personnel of both parties are transferred, both parties will be obliged to send relevant personnel to coordinate the preliminary work to ensure the continuity of performance.

8、 This contract is applicable to the purchase and sales activities by means of written contract, telephone, telex, letter and so on.

9、 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. Matters not covered herein shall be settled by both parties through negotiation.

10、 This Agreement shall be valid for two years from the date of signing by both parties.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

______ Year____ Month____ day


Party A (demander):______________

Party B (Supplier):______________

Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, the supplier and the demander have reached the following agreement on the supply of goods to the demander through friendly negotiation:

1、 Product name, unit and specification.

2、 Bargaining cycle:

Due to the uncertainty of the market price, in order to ensure the interests of both parties to the contract, the two parties shall renegotiate the unit price of food every other day and month. After the two parties reach a consensus through negotiation, the supplier shall inform the demander of the unit price in writing, which shall take effect after being signed and sealed by the demander. If the demander does not accept the new price, the contract can be terminated without any liability for breach of contract.

3、 Settlement method:

Products shall be settled in cash: when Party A and Party B conduct commodity transactions, after Party B accepts Party A's commodities, confirms the model, quantity and qualification, Party B shall settle in cash on the same day after accepting the commodities

4、 Delivery method:

1. Party B shall deliver the products to the place designated by Party A with quality and quantity guaranteed on time, and all expenses arising therefrom (including but not limited to freight, insurance premium, unloading fee, etc.) shall be borne by Party B.

2. Party A shall place an order with Party B by written fax days in advance, and Party B shall deliver the goods according to the variety, specification, quantity, delivery place and other agreed matters on Party A's order form.

5、 Contract term:

1. This contract is valid from__ Year__ Month__ From to__ Year__ Month__ Day deadline.

2. If either party needs to terminate the contract, it must notify the other party in writing days in advance. If either party terminates the contract without reason during the contract period, it shall bear all losses caused to the other party.

6、 Applicable law and dispute resolution:

1. This contract shall be governed by Chinese law.

2. Any dispute arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled by both parties through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the people's Court of the place where the contract is performed.

7、 Effectiveness of the contract:

1. The original contract is made in duplicate, which shall come into force after being signed and sealed by the respective legal representatives or their authorized representatives of both parties.

2. All annexes and faxes of this contract are integral parts of this contract and have the same legal effect as this contract.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

______ Year____ Month____ day


Party A: (Supplier)______________

Party B: (demander)______________

1、 Based on the principle of sincere cooperation and good faith management, Party A and Party B have reached a drug purchase and sales contract through negotiation. Both parties shall abide by it. If one party violates the relevant provisions of this contract and causes losses to the other party, the breaching party shall be liable to compensate the other party for the losses.

2、 Before conducting drug purchase and sales business, Party A and Party B shall provide relevant qualification certificates to each other in accordance with laws and regulations, and establish archives after the quality management department reviews, investigates and evaluates the legal qualification, contract performance ability and quality reputation of the partner. If one party causes losses to the other party due to false supporting documents, the fault party shall be liable for compensation. Party A and Party B shall carry out sales business within the scope specified in the license, and Party A shall not sell drugs beyond the scope to Party B.

3、 Party A shall provide Party B with written purchase and sale, telephone purchase and sale and other purchase and sale methods. The quality of the drugs supplied by Party A within the specified scope of drugs shall ensure that they meet the national legal standards and relevant quality requirements. The drugs provided must have the approval number, registered trademark, production batch number and validity period. The packaging, labels and instructions of drugs shall comply with relevant regulations and requirements. For imported drugs, the registration certificate of imported drugs stamped with the original seal of the enterprise's quality management organization and the inspection report of imported drugs with the same batch number or customs clearance form shall be copied. Biological products shall be provided with a copy of the certificate of conformity for the issuance of biological products stamped with the original seal of the enterprise's quality management organization. If Party A violates the above provisions and causes quality disputes, Party A shall bear the corresponding economic and legal responsibilities.

4、 During the purchase and sale of drugs, Party A and Party B shall ensure the quality of drugs and bear corresponding quality responsibilities according to the links of production, transportation, storage and use. In case of economic losses caused by quality problems, claim compensation from the responsible party with the relevant bills issued by the legal department. Before the quality problem is solved, the damaged party can temporarily withhold the payment for goods from the responsible party or (and) the responsible party can advance funds to solve it first. Both parties shall actively cooperate and solve the quality problems in time.

5、 After receiving the goods, if Party B finds any problem in the quality of the drugs supplied during the operation, it shall notify Party A or inquire from Party A as soon as possible, and Party A shall put forward handling opinions in time.

6、 Party B shall store drugs reasonably according to relevant regulations and requirements to ensure the quality of drugs. Party B shall be responsible for the losses caused by improper storage.

7、 If both parties have a dispute over the quality, Party B has the right to send it to the drug administration department at or above the prefecture level for inspection, and the drug quality shall be subject to the legal inspection report.

8、 Party B's 15 communities are institutions that independently exercise the management right. Any community with drug quality problems will deal with Party A by itself. The community health service center is only responsible for the computer posting of drug bills in each community.

9、 The contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, which shall come into force after being sealed and signed by both parties. The contract can be agreed to be valid from:__ Year__ Month__ Solstice__ Year__ Month__ Day.

Party A (seal):______________

Party B (seal):______________

__________ Year_____ Month_____ day


Party A:______________

Party B:______________

In accordance with the contract law of the people's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B enter into this contract through consultation on matters related to the supply and marketing of products based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, mutual benefit, honesty and trustworthiness for mutual compliance.

1、 Specification, quantity, unit, unit price and amount


2、 Contract price and payment method:

The total contract price is RMB_______ Whole. After this contract is signed, Party A shall pay a deposit to Party B_______ After Party B delivers the above products to the place designated by Party A________ After being accepted by Party A, Party A shall pay the remaining amount to Party B at one time.

3、 Product quality:

1. Party B guarantees that the products provided by Party B are genuine, the source is legal, and there are no legal disputes and quality problems. If there is a dispute between the products provided by Party B and a third party, all legal consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by Party B.

2. If Party A has product quality problems during the use of the above products, Party B shall be responsible for replacement. If it cannot be replaced, it shall be returned.

4、 Liability for breach of contract:

1. Both parties shall fully perform the provisions of this contract. If one party breaches the contract and causes losses to the other party, it shall be liable for compensation.

2. If Party B fails to supply goods as agreed in the contract, it shall bear __% of the payment for each day of delay Liquidated damages, delay____ In case of more than days, Party A has the right to terminate the contract in addition to paying liquidated damages.

3. If Party A fails to make settlement within the time limit agreed in the contract, it will be delayed for one day, and __ of the settlement payment will be paid Liquidated damages; Delay____ In case of more than days, Party B has the right to terminate the contract in addition to paying liquidated damages.

4. Party A shall not refuse to accept the goods without reason, otherwise it shall bear the losses and transportation expenses caused thereby.

5. After the termination of the contract, both parties shall conduct reconciliation and settlement in accordance with the provisions of the contract.

5、 Dispute resolution:

This contract is made in duplicate and takes effect from the date of signature by both parties. In case of any dispute, both parties shall settle it through negotiation; If the negotiation fails, they can bring a lawsuit to the people's court with jurisdiction.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

________ Year____ Month____ day


Party A (Supplier):_____________

Party B (demander):_____________

In order to clarify the rights and obligations of Party A and Party B, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract law of the people's Republic of China and on the principle of mutual benefit, both parties sign this contract through friendly negotiation, and jointly abide by the following terms.

Article 1 subject matter of the contract

1. Product name, specification, price, quantity and amount:

The products specified in this contract are a series of products produced by Party A. the specific name, specification, price, quantity and amount shall be subject to Party A's price list (Annex 1) or Party A's delivery list.

2. The technical standards and quality of the products shall comply with the enterprise standards or national standards of Party A's product quality.

3. The packaging of the products shall be subject to the factory standard of Party A, and the packaging materials shall not be recycled by Party A and shall not be priced separately.

4. The unit of measurement determined in this contract is piece, and the specification is shown in the prompt on the package or marked in the quotation sheet.

Article 2 delivery and acceptance methods

1. Party A implements the ex factory price including tax.

2. After receiving the products, Party B shall accept them in time. If there is any objection, Party B shall put forward it to Party A in writing within three days and submit the original of the shipment to assist in solving it. Otherwise, Party A shall regard party B as receiving the goods as required.

Article 3 rights and obligations of Party A

1. Party A has the obligation to provide Party B with qualified products.

2. Party A has the obligation to provide Party B with product related materials and certificates in a timely and accurate manner.

3. If Party B finds any product quality problem within the warranty period and Party A is responsible for it after verification, Party A has the obligation to replace and return it free of charge (except for those caused by Party B).

Article 4 Rights and obligations of Party B

1. Party B shall provide Party A with copies of valid business license, health license, tax registration certificate and ID card of legal representative.

2. Party B's annual sales task is________ 10000 yuan, the lowest monthly________ Ten thousand yuan. Party B shall purchase goods according to the monthly and quarterly sales plan during the sales period. If Party A fails to complete 80% of the sales task for three consecutive months or 80% of the sales task for the whole year, Party A has the right to cancel the distribution right of Party B. Whether Party B waives or Party A bans its distribution right, Party B shall unconditionally ensure the sustainable and stable development of Party A's products and cooperate with Party A in the handover of channels and markets.

3. Party B shall establish a perfect product sales system of Party A within one month after Party A's products arrive at Party B's warehouse.

4. Party B has the right to enjoy the support of promotional goods provided by Party A.

5. Party A shall provide Party B with products no more than 60 days after the production date, otherwise Party B has the right to reject them.

6. Party B has the responsibility to cooperate with Party A's business representative to inquire about the operation and inventory of Party B from time to time.

7. The sales price of Party B shall not be lower than the price provided by Party A for sales and cross regional sales. Otherwise, all rebates will be cancelled and the qualification to sell Party A's products will be cancelled.

Article 5 sales requirements and sales policies

1. In order to ensure the business interests of Party A and Party B and effectively sell Party A's products, Party A provides RMB as the good faith deposit. When the contract expires or terminates, Party B must pay the full amount of the good faith deposit to Party A.

2. Party B shall sell a series of products within the validity of the contract________ Ten thousand yuan.

4. Party B shall complete the sales task within the validity of the contract________ 10000 yuan, Party A shall give Party B a rebate according to the sales volume.

5. Party B shall complete the sales task within the validity of the contract________ For more than 10000 yuan, Party A shall pay according to the proportion of sales volume________ Rebate to Party B.

6. Sales within the validity of the contract________ There is no rebate below 10000 yuan.

7. All rebates must be paid by Party A to Party B with products in the next month after the contract expires and the payment is settled.

Article 6 price and settlement

1. The price of Party A's products shall be subject to Annex 1 sealed by Party A. Party A has the right to change the supply price according to the changes of cost and market raw materials, but shall notify Party B one month in advance. If the payment has been made before the new price adjustment, regardless of any adjustment made by Party A, this batch of goods shall be subject to the original supply price.

2. Settlement method: payment before delivery. Party A shall deliver the goods according to the place designated by Party B within 5 days after receiving the payment from Party B.

3. Payment method: Party B shall deposit the payment into the bank account designated by Party A. Party B shall not hand over the cash to Party A's business personnel, otherwise Party B shall be responsible for all adverse consequences arising therefrom.

Article 7 dispute resolution

1. Disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. Disputes that cannot be settled through negotiation shall be sued in the people's court where Party A is located and the contract disputes shall be settled through litigation.

Article 8 others

1. The annexes to this contract are an effective part of this contract and have the same effect;

2. Both parties must make written changes to any terms of this contract;

3. Party A's business representative shall not borrow goods or cash from Party B or exercise power beyond the scope of the contract without Party A's written fax confirmation. Party A shall not bear all responsibilities arising therefrom.

4. This contract is made in duplicate, signed (sealed) by Party A and Party B, and each party holds one copy. This Contract consists of - pages, which is invalid if altered or signed without legal authorization.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

______ Year____ Month____ day


Supplier (Party A):__________

Buyer (Party B):__________

Based on the principle of equality and voluntariness, Party A and Party B sign the following contract on the purchase and sale of timber through friendly negotiation.

1、 Name, specification, quantity and unit price of wood (formwork): _____.

2、 Quality agreement: ______.

3、 Receiving agreement: Party B shall notify Party A of supply 2 days in advance. After receiving the notice, Party A will deliver the goods to the place designated by Party B____________ Card ID number: " Or any person signing on the triplicate delivery note issued by Party A shall be deemed as Party B's recognition of the quality and quantity of wood (formwork) and shall be used as the basis for settlement between both parties.

4、 Pricing method and payment method;

The price calculated in this contract is the price of cash or advance payment. 50% - 60% of the delivered payment shall be paid within 2-3 months from the date of delivery, and 50% of the balance shall be paid every month thereafter. Until 80% of the total payment is capped by the main body. The balance shall be paid within three months after the bricks are installed. Party B shall pay the purchase price by transfer or cash. Party B does not require Party A to provide any invoice for all goods under this contract.

5、 Liability for breach of contract;

1. Party A is the only timber (formwork) supplier of Party B's project. All timber (formwork) of Party B's project shall be provided by Party A, and Party B shall not purchase from other places.

2. If Party A fails to deliver goods as agreed in this contract, or Party B fails to pay as agreed in the contract, Party B has the right to terminate the contract.

6、 This contract is made in triplicate, with each party holding one copy. It will come into force after being signed (or sealed) by both parties.

Supplier (Party A):__________

Buyer (Party B):__________

___________ Year_____ Month_____ day


Supplier (hereinafter referred to as Party A):______________

The demander (hereinafter referred to as Party B):______________

Party B purchases steel from Party A due to the needs of project construction. In order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, the following terms are concluded through equal and friendly negotiation between both parties.

1. All steel required by Party B's project construction shall be purchased from Party A. Without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not purchase steel from other channels, otherwise Party B shall pay Party A a liquidated damages of RMB 50000 only, and Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

2. Party B shall purchase the required steel from Party A in stages and batches according to the needs of the project progress. When Party B needs goods each time, Party B shall notify Party A of the specification, model, quantity and production place of the required steel three days in advance. After being confirmed by Party A, Party A shall____ Deliver the steel to Party B's construction site within days. If Party A is overdue, the price of delivery shall be_____ Pay liquidated damages.

3. As the market price of steel varies frequently, the price of each batch of goods shall be determined by both parties through friendly negotiation with reference to the market price of Party A on the day of supply.

4. Receiving and acceptance method of steel: after receiving the goods, Party B shall test them first and use them only after they are qualified. In case of quality problems, Party B shall start from the date of receiving the goods___ Notify Party A in writing within days and put forward relevant test reports, otherwise the quality of this batch of steel will be deemed to be completely qualified. After both parties confirm that the steel quality is indeed unqualified, Party A shall transport the unqualified steel back and bear the freight incurred, but Party A shall not bear other responsibilities. At the same time, Party A shall___ Replace and deliver qualified steel within days.

5. Payment method: the steel payment under this contract shall be paid in the following way: on the day when Party A's steel is delivered to Party B's construction site, Party B must pay ____ of the total price of this batch of steel If Party B fails to pay the steel payment of any phase on time, Party B shall compensate the arrears of the current period_____ Liquidated damages.

6. Both parties shall strictly abide by this contract. In case of any dispute between both parties, it shall be settled through negotiation first. If the negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the people's court where the party is located for adjudication.

7. This contract shall come into force after being signed by both parties.

8. This contract is made in duplicate____ Copies. Each party holds____ Copies.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

_______ Year___ Month___ day


Supplier:______________ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)

Demander:______________ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)

According to the contract law of the people's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, the buyer and the seller have reached the following agreement on the purchase and sale of building materials on the basis of equality, voluntariness, fairness and good faith:

Article 1 basic information of purchased building materials: unit:___ Yuan/____

Total RMB (in words): one hundred thousand, one hundred and ten yuan and jiao (in figures): ¥

Article 2 quality standard: national standard for the limit of harmful substances in interior decoration materials

Article 3 delivery: the delivery method is (delivery by the seller / pick-up by the buyer); Delivery time: ________________; Delivery place: _________.

Article 4 installation: the installation method is (installed by the seller / installed by the buyer); If the seller is selected to install, the installation standard is □ "quality acceptance standard of Beijing family room decoration engineering" / □ "quality acceptance standard of Beijing advanced building decoration engineering". The installation cost shall be borne by the buyer, and the buyer shall provide the seller with necessary installation conditions.

Article 5 acceptance: if the quantity, specification and color of wall and floor tiles are inconsistent with the agreement or have other surface defects, the buyer's objection period is within days after the seller's delivery. After verification, the Seller shall make up or replace the goods unconditionally; If the seller is selected for installation, both parties shall jointly accept the installation quality within days after the installation is completed. If the acceptance fails to meet the agreed installation standards, the Seller shall rework unconditionally.

Article 6 replacement: after delivery and acceptance, if the buyer requests for replacement due to changes in the specifications and colors of wall and floor tiles, under the condition that the packaging is intact and there is no damage, soaking in water, dust and other factors affecting the secondary sales, the buyer can handle the replacement procedures within days from the date of delivery according to this contract, and the replacement expenses shall be borne by the buyer.

Article 7 disposal of surplus goods: if the remaining wall and floor tiles after installation are well packed and have no damage, soaking in water, dust and other factors affecting the secondary sales, the buyer can handle the return procedures within days from the date of delivery according to this contract, and the return expenses shall be borne by the buyer.

Article 8 payment method and time: both parties agree to pay the price in the third way.

(1) When signing this contract, the buyer shall pay (deposit / advance payment)_________ Yuan (the deposit shall not exceed 20% of the total price), and the balance shall be paid in one time after the goods are received and accepted;


Article 9 liability for breach of contract:

(1) Seller's liability for breach of contract:

1. If the wall and floor tiles fail to meet the national mandatory standards or the quality standards agreed in the contract after being tested by the professional testing organization, the Seller shall unconditionally replace or return them, or compensate the buyer for the losses incurred therefrom; For other quality problems, the warranty period is_________ In, the seller is responsible for free repair;

2. If the seller delays in delivery, it shall pay the buyer _________% of the delayed part of the price every day Liquidated damages; Late delivery exceeding_________ In addition to paying liquidated damages, the buyer has the right to terminate the contract. The deposit, advance payment or price received by the Seller shall be returned in full. However, the buyer has the right to require the seller to return double the deposit without collecting liquidated damages.

(2) Buyer's liability for breach of contract:

1. If the buyer delays in taking delivery of the goods, it shall pay the delayed part of the price _______ to the seller every day Liquidated damages;

2. If the buyer unilaterally terminates the contract without justified reasons, it shall compensate the seller for the losses caused thereby, and the paid deposit has no right to ask for return.

Article 10 dispute resolution: in case of disputes under this contract, both parties shall negotiate or apply to the market organizer and Consumer Association for mediation, or appeal to the administrative organ; If no settlement can be reached through negotiation, mediation or appeal, a lawsuit shall be brought to the people's court or an application for arbitration shall be made in accordance with the arbitration clause or arbitration agreement reached separately.

Article 11 other agreed matters:__________________

Article 12 If the change or supplement to this contract unreasonably reduces or exempts the seller from its responsibilities, this contract shall still prevail.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

________ Year____ Month____ day


Drug seller:______________

Drug purchaser:______________

Through friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B enter into this contract on Party B's purchase of Party A's drugs in accordance with the contract law of the people's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and perform this contract based on the principle of good faith and mutual benefit.

Article 1: authorization, responsibilities and obligations

(1) Party A agrees Party B to purchase the drugs on the purchase list.

(2) Party B must be an independent legal entity, whose legal person must have corresponding qualifications, operate in good faith, love medical undertakings, have a medical institution practice license, abide by national laws and regulations and operate legally.

(3) Party B shall purchase more than 100000 yuan of drugs from Party A and enjoy__ Discount.

(4) Party B must have certain business ability and market management experience, and have relevant business procedures such as business license and tax registration.

(5) Party B can unconditionally apply for the return of drugs within one week; Party A will deduct 5% of the drug payment if the outer package of the drug is damaged during the exchange.

Article 2: ordering, payment and delivery of drugs

(1) Party B shall remit the order money to the account designated by Party A for each order of drugs, and submit the order information to Party A. after confirmation by Party A, Party B shall send drugs to Party B within five working days according to the order quantity and type. In case of special circumstances, Party A shall notify Party B in advance.

(2) Party A shall deliver the drugs by freight, Party B shall pick it up, and Party A shall be responsible for all freight.

If Party B applies for express delivery of drugs, the freight shall be paid by Party B.

(3) If Party B finds a shortage of drugs, the logistics department shall show relevant certificates, and then timely contact Party A for proper treatment after verification.

Article 3: breach clause

(1) Party B must strictly implement the national unified sales price set by Party A, and shall not impact the market at a low price or violate the regional sales policy. If Party B violates Party A's price and regional policies, Party A has the right to cancel the authorization to Party B and the contract will be automatically terminated. When Party A needs to change the price according to market changes, Party A will notify Party B in writing.

(2) If either party of Party A and Party B violates the provisions of this contract, the other party may demand correction within a time limit in writing. If it still does not change after receiving the demand, it has the right to terminate this contract and claim damages according to law. Any dispute arising from the execution of the contract shall be settled by both parties through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the lawsuit shall be under the jurisdiction of the court where Party A is registered and the laws of the people's Republic of China shall apply.

Article 4: termination and change of contract

This contract shall not be modified, added or d without the written consent of Party A and Party B. The contract will be automatically terminated after expiration. If it is renewed, a new distribution contract shall be signed one month in advance. If one of the two parties goes bankrupt, liquidates, dissolves or is listed as a rejected account by the bank, the other party may have the right to terminate the contract. This contract shall not be altered or transferred by the other party without the written consent of Party A and Party B.

Article 5: force majeure

If Party A fails to perform the contract in whole or in part due to war, rebellion, civil riot, attack, shutdown, labor dispute, fire, theft, explosion, earthquake, natural disaster, flood, drought or bad weather, or similar orders issued by expropriation or government organizations, Party A shall not be liable for breach of contract, However, party a must bear the burden of proof, otherwise it will be punished as breach of contract.

Article 6: other matters

For matters not covered in this contract, a supplementary contract shall be signed separately, and the supplementary contract shall have the same effect as this contract. This contract is made in duplicate, which shall come into force immediately after being signed by both parties, with each party holding one copy.

Article 7: validity of the contract

This contract is valid from____ From to____ For a period of two years ending on X.

Party A:______________

Party B:______________

______ Year____ Month____ day


Party A:_______________

Party B:_______________

According to the contract law of the people's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, both parties sign this contract on the means of production sold by Party B to Party A and Party B's acquisition of agricultural products produced by Party A for both parties to abide by.

Article 1 subject matter of the contract

1.1 the means of production sold by Party B to Party A include but are not limited to chemical fertilizers, pesticides and seeds (hereinafter referred to as means of production)

1.2 Party B purchases agricultural products produced by Party A, including but not limited to cotton and plastic film (hereinafter referred to as contract products)

Article 2 purchase method of means of production

2.1 according to its production needs, Party A shall propose a purchase plan to Party B on a yearly or quarterly basis. The purchase plan includes but is not limited to means of production, specifications, quantity and specific delivery time. Party B shall provide Party A with relevant means of production according to the contract after receiving the purchase plan (within time);

2.2 under the same sales conditions, Party B promises to give priority to the supply of goods to Party A.

Article 3 purchase method of contract products

The contract products shall be purchased by Party B according to this contract. Under the same purchase conditions, Party B promises to give priority to the purchase of Party A's contract products.

Article 4 price of means of production and contract products

Under the same conditions, the means of production sold by Party B to Party A shall not be higher than the price of the above products sold to a third party; The price for Party B to purchase the contract products produced by Party A shall not be lower than the price for purchasing the above products from a third party.

Article 5 payment method

When purchasing means of production, Party A shall pay for the means of production within one month after receiving each batch of means of production. In case of overdue payment, Party A shall pay interest on the loan owed to Party B. The interest rate is calculated according to the one-year bank loan interest rate.

Article 6 effectiveness and term of validity

6.1 this contract shall come into force from the date when it is signed and sealed by Party A and Party B and deliberated and adopted by the general meeting of shareholders of Party A under the condition of avoidance of voting by related shareholders.

6.2 the contract is valid from_________ Year_________ Month_________ From to_________ Year_________ Month_________ End of day.

Party A (seal):_______________

Seal of Party B:_______________

_________ Year______ Month______ day




Through friendly negotiation between the supplier and the demander, the demander has reached the following terms on the purchase of urea and compound fertilizer by the supplier:

1、 Product brand, variety, specification, quantity, amount and delivery (pick-up) time: ___________.

2、 Quality standards and requirements: gb2440-2001 and gb7118-2008

3、 Packaging standard: 50kg / bag or 40kg / bag, plastic inside and woven outside, and the packaging is not recycled.

4、 Place and method of delivery (delivery): the supplier's freight yard and the demander provide the goods themselves, or the demander entrusts the supplier to handle the transportation, and the transportation and miscellaneous expenses shall be borne by the demander.

5、 Payment method: bank acceptance bill, bank transfer or cash confirmed by both parties and other payment methods recognized by both parties.

6、 Acceptance method and Objection Period: the supplier shall implement "Three Guarantees" for the product quality within the warranty period. If the quality is unqualified due to moisture absorption, rain and flooding caused by the demander in the process of storage, transportation and sales, the Demander shall bear the responsibility.

7、 Liability for breach of contract: both the supplier and the Demander shall abide by the contract, and the breach of contract shall be handled in accordance with the contract law of the people's Republic of China.

8、 Dispute resolution: disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be settled by both parties through negotiation; If the negotiation fails, either party has the right to bring a lawsuit to the people's court where the contract is signed.

9、 Other agreed matters: if the market price changes greatly during the contract period, both parties shall negotiate separately.

10、 If the contract needs to be changed, it shall be agreed by both parties through negotiation and confirmed in writing. As an integral part of the contract, it shall be bound by the same terms of the contract.

11、 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, which shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties. The simultaneous interpreting of the contract has the same legal effect. Matters not covered herein shall be settled by both parties through negotiation.



_______ Year___ Month___ day




1、 Product name, trademark, content, specification, quantity, amount, delivery time and quantity

2、 Quality standards and requirements

3、 Period of supplier's responsibility for quality

4、 Delivery (pick-up) method

5、 Transportation mode, arrival station (port) and cost burden

6、 Reasonable loss calculation method

7、 Packaging standard and cost burden

8、 Acceptance method and Objection Period

9、 Settlement method and term

10、 Liability for breach of contract

11、 Ways to resolve contract disputes

12、 Other agreements



__________ Year___ Month___ day




Article 1 subject matter, quantity, price and delivery (pick-up) time

Delivery (pick-up) time and quantity of the counting sheet produced by the chemical supplier

Fertilizer grid yield price

Name or factory order


Home position


Total amount in RMB (in words)

Article 2 quality standards: _____________.

Article 3 time limit for the seller to be responsible for quality: ______.

Article 4 packing standard: _________________.

Article 5 reasonable loss standard and calculation method: _______.

Article 6 the ownership of the subject matter comes from________ The chemical fertilizer shall be transferred from time to time, but the buyer fails to fulfill the obligation to pay the price_________ All.

Article 7 delivery (delivery) method and place: ___________.

Article 8 transportation mode, arrival station (port) and expense burden: __.

Article 9 inspection standard, method, place and time limit: ____.

Article 10 settlement method, time and place: _________.

Article 11 conditions for termination of this Contract: __________.

Article 12 liability for breach of contract: ____________.

Article 13 guarantee method (a separate guarantee contract may also be established) _______.

Article 14 settlement of contract disputes: disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be settled by both parties through negotiation; It can also be mediated by the local administrative department for Industry and commerce; If negotiation or mediation fails, it shall be settled in the following way:

(1) Submit_________________ Arbitration Commission;

(2) Bring a suit in a people's court according to law.

Article 15 this contract shall come into force from______ Effective from.



________ Year___ Month___ day


Party A (Supplier):____________

Party B (user):____________

After friendly and equal negotiation, Party A and Party B voluntarily sign this contract on the supply of pesticides and fertilizers. The terms of the contract are as follows:

1、 Party B shall inform Party A of the specific name, quantity and delivery time of the required fertilizers and pesticides by telephone or order.

2、 Party A shall be responsible for transporting the products to the place designated by Party A, and Party B shall be responsible for the freight.

3、 Quality standards and requirements: the products supplied by Party A to Party B must meet the quality standards of fertilizers and pesticides stipulated by the state. The production batch number of the same batch of products shall be attached with the products, the formal invoice shall be issued, and the remaining validity period of the products shall not be less than months.

5、 Acceptance method: the product packaging shall be intact, and the production batch number shall be consistent with the product batch number. In case of damage or unqualified quality, Party B has the right to return the goods or refuse to pay the payment.

6、 Settlement method: Party B and Party A shall make payment in the form of monthly settlement. Party A shall check the payment for goods generated in the previous month with Party B at the beginning of each month, issue an invoice, and Party B shall review and pay the payment for goods as soon as possible.

7、 Liability for breach of contract:

1. Responsibilities of Party A:

(1) If the products supplied by Party A to Party B are unqualified, resulting in the reduction of crop production of Party B, Party A shall compensate Party B for reasonable economic losses.

(2) If Party A cannot deliver the goods on time, it shall deliver the goods at least in advance_ Notify Party B within days and negotiate with Party B for handling. Otherwise, if Party A fails to deliver the goods within the time limit, Party B has the right to refuse to receive the goods or accept the goods after discount.

2. Responsibilities of Party B:

Party B must use Party A's products according to Party A's product instructions. If Party B does not use drugs in strict accordance with Party A's product instructions, Party A will not be responsible for drug damage or other diseases.

8、 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. It shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties and shall be valid until mm / DD / yy.

Party A (seal):____________

Party B (seal):____________

_______ Year___ Month___ day


Party A:______________

Party B:______________

Based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and common development, and through negotiation between both parties, the following agreement is reached on Party B's purchase of SEG parental breeding pigs from Party A:

1、 Party B shall bring pigs to Party A with the certificate of pig raising issued by the county poverty alleviation Department (indicating the variety, quantity, weight and amount of breeding pigs), and Party A shall be responsible for sending pigs to the village free of charge, and providing all ear numbers and pedigree files of breeding pigs. Party B is responsible for distributing pigs to households.

2、 Product variety and quantity _______.

3、 Quality standard of breeding pigs: the breeding pigs provided by Party A are high-quality and pure, meet the national breeding pig sales standards, and have undergone scientific immunization procedures and strict quarantine.

4、 The price of SiGe breeding pigs in the poverty alleviation project in 20XX is: 1100 yuan per sow with more than 65 kg of parental generation, and 6000 yuan per boar with more than 110 kg of breeding boar, which can meet the requirements of fine breeding or direct breeding.

5、 Service commitment:

1. Due to transportation and other reasons, the dead or disabled pigs shall be replaced within seven days from the supply of pigs to the household. The dead pigs shall be handled by the county poverty Alleviation Office Jingan company.

2. For infertile sows, if they are still not pregnant after artificial breeding by technicians for more than two times, they will be recovered by Jing'an branch at the price of 7.2 yuan per kilogram. If they continue to raise pigs, the farmers shall pay the market price of commercial pigs at that time and buy back a 60kg sow of the same breed; If you are unwilling to continue raising pigs, you will repay 300 yuan per head when the turnover expires. For the boar that cannot be bred, within half a month after the pig is supplied to the household, the technical personnel shall sign. If the boar is bred for its own reason, Beijing an branch shall replace a qualified boar with more than 110kg.

3. Responsible for providing farmers with feed formulas of different varieties and stages. For breeders who use the company's 4% premix, it shall be supplied at the company's internal price.

4. Organize technicians with practical experience and establish a technical service Tour team. One technician from Baocun village shall be assigned to 300 breeding sows for one year. Carry out systematic training for technicians of Baocun village, technicians of Baocun village and breeding demonstration households.

5. Do a good job in unified epidemic prevention and breeding services. Sow breeding starts from pig feeding to the household to the second litter. Boar breeding starts from boar to the household. Within one year, the first litter of piglets will be free of charge from birth to fattening and released for unified epidemic prevention. Free breeding shall be adopted for the first pregnancy of sows bred by farmers, and market operation shall be implemented for future breeding at their own expense.

6、 Dispute settlement: in case of any dispute between the two parties during the execution of the contract, the poverty alleviation department shall coordinate and solve it.

7、 Matters not covered in this contract shall be settled through negotiation between Party A and Party B and the poverty alleviation department.

8、 This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy respectively and one copy submitted to the county poverty Alleviation Office, which has the same legal effect.

Party A (signature and seal):______________

Party B (signature and seal):______________

______________ Year_____ Month_____ day

松果号 作者:allen原创文章,如若转载,请注明出处:https://www.6480i.com/archives/98040.html

上一篇 2024年10月6日 下午11:52
下一篇 2024年10月7日 上午12:00


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