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[GitLab](/#) Runner是一个开源软件系统,运行CI/CD作业,并将结果发送到GitLab。GitLab中的每个项目都可以有自己的运行器,每个运行器都是一个容器,可以根据需要启动和停止。本文主要介绍下如何在Vultr Kubernetes引擎上安装配置GitLab Runner。
**一、设置GitLab Runner**
在GitLab项目目录中,点击Settings > CI/CD > Runners,获取runner信息,用来向GitLab认证runner。复制runner URL和注册密码,并保存它们以便后续供GitLab Runner配置使用。
**二、在[Vultr](/#) Kubernetes Engine上安装GitLab Runner**
我们要在Vultr [Kubernetes](/#) Engine集群上部署Runner的话,则需使用kubeconfig文件来配置对集群的访问。kubeconfig文件用于提供对Kubernetes API服务器的访问,它由使用kubectl和其他Kubernetes组件来找到合适的API服务器并进行身份验证。
登录到Vultr账户,进入管理后台,导航至Products > Kubernetes > {Your cluster} > Overview,单击仪表盘右上方的Download Configuration按钮,如下图所示:
2、运行下面命令访问Vultr Kubernetes Engine集群
> $ kubectl –kubeconfig={PATH TO THE VKE CLUSTER CONFIG FILE} get nodes
> $ kubectl –kubeconfig={PATH TO THE VKE CLUSTER CONFIG FILE} create namespace gitlab
4、运行以下命令获取GitLab Runner副本
> git clone https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab-runner.git
> git clone git@gitlab.com:gitlab-org/charts/gitlab-runner.git
5、导航到GitLab Runner副本的存储库,查看values.yaml文件。
\## GitLab Runner Image
image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner:alpine-v15.3.0
\## Specify a imagePullPolicy for the main runner deployment
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
\## Timeout, in seconds, for liveness and readiness probes of a runner pod.
probeTimeoutSeconds: 300
\## The GitLab Server URL (with protocol) that want to register the runner against
gitlabUrl: http://gitlab.com/
\## The Registration Token for adding new Runners to the GitLab Server.
runnerRegistrationToken: “Token”
\## For RBAC support:
create: true
– resources: \[“configmaps”, “pods”, “pods/attach”, “secrets”, “services”\]
verbs: \[“get”, “list”, “watch”, “create”, “patch”, “update”, “delete”\]
– apiGroups: \[“”\]
resources: \[“pods/exec”\]
verbs: \[“create”, “patch”, “delete”\]
\## Configuration for the Pods that the runner launches for each new job
config: |
namespace = “{{.Release.Namespace}}”
image = “ubuntu:16.04”
initialDelaySeconds: 300
initialDelaySeconds: 300
6、配置好GitLab Runner副本后,使用以下命令部署runner。
> elm –kubeconfig={PATH\_TO\_VKE\_CLUSTER\_CONFIG FILE} install –namespace
> kubectl –kubeconfig={PATH\_TO\_VKE\_CLUSTER\_CONFIG FILE} describe pods gitlab-runner –namespace=
8、要检查pod是否已经启动,请在注册的GitLab runners下进入GitLab,将会得到类似以下的结果。
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